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Parent Support


Parenting is a rewarding, but also extremely challenging role. Although parenting can come with many amazing moments, dealing with the everyday tantrums, crying, defiance, sickness and all-round competing demands of being a parent, is no easy feat (even for the most patient of parents!).


All for Kids therapists recognise the challenges of being a parent, and offer sessions aimed at providing that little bit extra support to parents in times of need (just a little bit of ‘you’ time). Whether its weekly sessions for a month, or monthly sessions for half a year – these sessions are some of our most popular amongst the families we see, and clients report them to be very effective at helping parents cope with the general stressors of parenthood, and even at improving their relationship with their children. Research also shows us that the better parents feel, the better children feel (and behave) too.


As all of our therapists are also trained in behaviour management and specific parenting techniques, these sessions can also offer strategies and methods of dealing with particularly difficult or challenging behaviour, whether that be food fussiness, defiance, aggression or sibling rivalry.


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