Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, more commonly known as ADHD, is a type of neurological developmental difference that is commonly first recognised during childhood. ADHD can make it difficult for a child to pay attention, wait their turn, and to inhibit (or hold back) their responses to the world around them. There are three different types of ADHD: ADHD (Inattentive Type), ADHD (Hyperactive-Impulsive Type) and ADHD (Combined Type). FamilIes of children with ADHD typically reported difficulties for the child including:
Difficulty Concentrating
Difficulty sitting still/Fidgeting
Problems following/remembering instructions
Interrupting/Blurting out answers
Lack of attention to detail
Difficulty with organising their belongings
Constantly on-the-go, running, climbing etc
Talks excessively
Emotion Regulation difficulties
However, not all children exhibit all symptoms. And, in fact, children with Inattentive Type and children with Hyperactive/Impulsive type actually appear very different. Although both children may have difficulty maintaining attention, children with H/I type can appear overly animated and energetic (hyperactive), whereas, children with Inattentive type do not appear hyperactive at all, and will be more commonly seen sitting still and daydreaming or staring blankly.
The Assessment of ADHD involves interviews and information-collecting from parents, teachers and any other important people in the child’s life, in addition to observation of the child in-session completing a variety of tasks.